Ahad, 4 Julai 2010


Learn about CoQ10 benefits and side effects

Also known as Coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinone, CoQ10 is a popular supplement with a multitude of health benefits. CoQ10 is produced by your body, but the amount diminishes as you age, so consuming C0Q10 in your diet is also important. Foods that are a good source of CoQ10 include beef liver, sardines, mackerel, soy beans, peanuts and spinach.

What Is CoQ10?

CoQ10 is a substance that naturally occurs in your body’s cells and helps to produce energy. Its concentrations are highest in those organs that do the most work, such as the heart and liver.
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Benefits and Indications

Medical researchers have found that CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, which means that it seeks out harmful substances called free radicals and helps to eliminate them from your body. If free radicals are allowed to accumulate in your body, they can cause damage to cells and to DNA. Free radicals are introduced to your body through contaminants such as pollution, cigarette smoke and UV light.
The health benefits provided by CoQ10 are numerous, and ongoing research continues to identify more positive results associated with adequate CoQ10 levels. Some CoQ10 benefits include:
  • Providing protection from heart disease
  • Helping patients with congestive heart failure to heal
  • Reducing the incidence of an irregular heartbeat
  • Fighting free radicals and preventing damage from oxidation
  • Improving energy and athletic performance
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Combating fatigue
  • Improving the tolerance of exercise in muscular dystrophy patients
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Reducing the occurrences of migraines
  • Preventing heart damage caused by chemotherapy regimes
  • Improving male fertility by increasing sperm motility
  • Preventing toxin overload

Side Effects and Warnings

CoQ10 is safe to take for most individuals in doses of 30 mg to 90 mg daily. Although rare, CoQ10 can have side effects, including diarrhea and rash. People with diabetes should use CoQ10 only under a doctor’s supervision, as CoQ10 may have an effect on blood sugar levels. In addition, pregnant or nursing women should not take CoQ10, as its safety for these individuals and their babies has not yet been established.
At one time, medical professionals were concerned that CoQ10 could reduce the effectiveness of cholesterol-lowering drugs, but this is not the case. Since certain cholesterol-lowering drugs reduce the naturally occurring levels of CoQ10 in the body, taking a CoQ10 supplement can restore healthy levels of CoQ10 without impacting the effectiveness of these medications on cholesterol levels.
As with any dietary supplement, check with your doctor or a medical health professional before starting to take a CoQ10 supplement

Dipetiik dari : http://www.healthscenenutrition.com/dietary-supplements/coq10.aspx

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